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Managing your Deliveroo menu in Partner Hub
Managing your Deliveroo menu in Partner Hub

How to edit menu items and photos, add new menu categories and publish a menu across multiple sites

Written by Ash H
Updated over a week ago

You can make quick and easy changes to your Deliveroo menu(s) by using Menu Manager in Partner Hub.

If you don't have access to Menu Manager yet, please use the 'Get in touch form' on the Help page in Hub to ask for any menu changes. Changes take up to 3 days, but we do our best to get them done as quickly as we can.

To access Menu Manager:

This article will help you with:

It's your responsibility to ensure that your allergen information is accurate and up-to-date at all times, find out how to add allergen information to your menu.

1. Viewing and managing your menu(s)

In Partner Hub you can view and edit all of your menus on the Menu Manager page.

View and manage menu(s):

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • If you have more than one site use the drop down on the top left to switch between them.

Under each menu name, you can see how many sites your menu(s) are published to.

Duplicate a menu:

  • Go to to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Find the menu you want to duplicate

  • Click the three dots next to 'Edit menu'

  • Select 'Duplicate menu'

  • Your menu will be duplicated and appear on the Menu Manager page marked with (copy)

Remove a menu:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Find the menu you want to delete

  • Click the three dots next to 'Edit menu'

  • Select 'Delete menu' (option is only available for menus not assigned to any sites)

  • Your menu will be deleted

2. Editing menu names

  • Go to the Menu Manager page on Partner Hub

  • Click on the pencil icon next to the menu name you want to change

  • Edit the menu name and click 'Save'

3. Publishing a menu to one or multiple restaurant sites

You can publish a menu to one or multiple restaurant sites in Partner Hub.

Publish a menu to one restaurant site:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Find the menu you want to publish and click 'Edit menu'

  • Click 'Publish' in the top right corner

Publish a menu to multiple sites:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Find the menu you want to publish and select 'Edit menu'

  • Click the three dots next to 'Publish' in the top right corner

  • Select 'Publish to additional sites'

  • Select each of the sites you want to publish this menu to

  • Click 'Publish'

4. Adding, editing and removing a menu item

With Partner Hub you can add, edit and remove menu items using Menu Manager.

Adding a new menu item:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Find the menu you want to add the item to and select 'Edit menu'

  • Scroll to the category where you want to add the new menu item

  • Select '+ New item'

  • Add item information: name, description, image, prices and tax rates

  • Click 'Add item' once you’re done

  • Click 'Publish' to set the menu live with the new item

Tip: To manage your menu item availability, find 'Stock levels' on the Live Orders page in Hub. Learn more.

Editing a menu item:

  • Click on the menu item you want to edit

  • Make any changes to the item name, description, image, price or tax rates

  • Click 'Save' once you’re done

  • Click 'Publish' to set the menu live with the edited menu item

Removing a menu item:

  • Click on the menu item you want to remove

  • Click 'Delete item'

  • Confirm you want to remove this item

  • Click 'Publish' to set the menu live with the item removed

5. Adding, editing and removing categories

Categories are how you group items together e.g. Poké, Salads, Starters etc.

Adding a category:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub

  • Select 'Edit menu' on the menu you want to add a category to

  • Scroll to the bottom of the menu

  • Select '+ New category'

  • Choose a category name and write an optional description for your category

  • Click 'Create category'

  • Remember to click 'Publish' when you have added menu items to the category

Once you've assigned a category, you can make this visible to a different times of the day or week.

Moving a category:

  • Find the category you want to move up or down on your menu

  • Click the three dots on the top right of the category box

  • Select 'Change position'

  • Click 'Publish' to set your menu changes live

Editing a category name or description:

  • Find the category you want to edit

  • Select the pencil icon on the right of the category name or description

  • Make your changes and confirm

  • Click 'Publish' to set your menu live with the new category name/description

Make sure that the right times and days are assigned to your category

Removing a category:

  • Go to the category you want to remove

  • Click the three dots on the top right of the category

  • Select 'Delete category'

  • Confirm you’d like to delete this category and all its items

  • Click 'Publish' to set your menu live with the category removed

6. Adding, editing and removing options

Options are the choices you give customers to customise their order e.g. Would you like sauce with that?

You can add and edit options on the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub.

Adding an option:

  • Find the right menu and click 'Edit menu'

  • Scroll to the category where you want to add options

  • Click the three dots and select 'Add options'

  • Select 'Create new options'

  • Write the name of the option e.g. Would you like a drink?

  • Add the different choices e.g. Water, Soda, Milkshake

  • Decide if you want to add an extra charge to the options

  • Set limits to the number of options a customer can choose

  • Decide if customers must choose an option or not

  • Assign the option to a single item in the category or to all items in the category

Editing an option:

  • Go to the category where you’d like to edit your options

  • Click on the three dots and select 'Add options' to view your existing options

  • Select the option you want to edit by clicking on the pencil icon

  • Edit the name, price, tax, limit and which items the options are assigned to

Deleting an option:

  • Go to the category where you’d like to remove options

  • Click the three dots and select 'Add options' to see your existing options

  • Select the option you want to remove and click 'Delete'

7. Adding, editing and removing item photos

With Menu Manager in Partner Hub you can add, edit and remove item photos.

Adding an item photo:

  • Go to the Menu Manager page in Hub

  • Choose a menu and click 'Edit menu'

  • Click on a menu item

  • Select 'Upload photo'

  • Once the photo is uploaded, click 'Add item' to save

  • Click 'Publish' and your photo will be reviewed by our team. The item photo will appear on your menu when it has been approved.

Changing an item photo:

  • Click on the menu item

  • Click 'Actions'

  • Select 'Delete photo' from the drop down

  • To upload the new photo, click 'Upload photo'

  • Once the photo is uploaded, click to 'Add item' to save your changes

  • Click 'Publish' and your new photo will be reviewed by our team. The new item photo will appear on your menu when it has been approved.

Deleting an item photo:

  • Click on the menu item

  • Click 'Actions'

  • Select 'Delete photo' from the drop down

  • Click 'Add item' to save your changes

  • Click 'Publish' for your changes to take effect. The photo will no longer appear on your menu

8. Adding and editing hero photos

Hero photos appear at the top of your menu and are a great way to showcase your business to customers.

You can upload and edit your hero photos on the Menu Manager page in Partner Hub.

Adding a new hero photo:

  • Go to the Menus page in Hub

  • Find the right menu and click 'Edit menu'

  • At the top of the menu, click on the image icon

  • Click 'Upload photo'

  • Once the photo is uploaded, click 'Save'

  • Click 'Publish' and your hero photo will be reviewed by our team. It will appear on your menu when it has been approved.

Editing a hero photo:

  • Click on the image icon in the bottom right corner of the hero image

  • Click 'Actions'

  • Select 'Upload new photo'

  • Once the image is uploaded, click Save

  • Click 'Publish' and your new hero photo will be reviewed by our team. It will replace your current hero photo once it has been approved.

If you have any other questions, please submit a request through the ‘Help’ page in Partner Hub. Here is an overview of how to submit a support request in Partner Hub.

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