Prep time is our term for how long it takes restaurants to get an order ready for pickup by a rider.
We use prep time to calculate the estimated order duration (EOD) we show to customers on the restaurant list.
Watch our video to learn how prep times impact your restaurant's success.
Estimated order duration calculation
EOD can impact your position in the restaurant list. Restaurants with a shorter EOD will appear higher in the restaurant list.
EOD = time to prep food + time to load vehicle with food + time to travel to customer
EOD 25 mins = 15 mins prep time + 3 mins loading + 7 mins travel
Top tips for reducing prep time and EOD:
Prepare every order as soon as it comes in. Have the food packaged and ready for the rider.
Be consistent. Our algorithm learns your average prep time from every order you make. The more consistent you are, the more accurate the prep time is.
Prepare your packaging before service. This can save you the valuable minutes.
Have clear signage. Clearly mark the area where riders should pick up orders.
Choose a staff member to handle delivery. If you haven’t got a hot holding unit we recommend assigning a member of staff to just focus on delivery orders.
Label every order. Always staple a ticket with an order number to the outside of the bag, so riders can quickly see their order.
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