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Frequently asked questions about scheduled menus
Frequently asked questions about scheduled menus

Menu manager allows you to set different menus at different times of the day and week using Hub

Written by Ash H
Updated over 3 years ago

Menu Manager scheduled menus allows you to show categories, like breakfast menu items, at different times of the day, or even week.

For example, if you choose to have a breakfast menu, you can set this to only appear to customers until 11am.

The rest of the time, a different menu will appear - for simplicity, we refer to this as your 'default' menu in this article.

How many scheduled menus can I have?

You can have up to five different schedules within a menu, only one would be active at a time.

Does scheduled menus automatically publish, or do I need to publish them manually?

You will need to re-publish the menu for any changes to appear.

Once you’ve set up your scheduled menu, using your chosen categories it will always be available in this time slot.

Can I have multiple schedules running at the same time?

You can only have one schedule running at a time per menu. If you have multiple sites, all sites on the same menu will have the same schedules.

If one of your sites requires a different schedule from other sites, then you'll need to assign a different menu with a different schedule.

Are customers able to see unavailable items e.g. breakfast schedule items at lunchtime?

If a customer selects an ASAP order, the customer will not be able to see categories of items that are unavailable at that time. The customers will only see one scheduled menu at that time.

If a customer selects a scheduled order time slot (instead of an ASAP order), the menu shown will be the menu scheduled to be active for that time slot and therefore the customer might see categories of items currently unavailable.

Can I change the times I want my menus to be visible?

Yes, times and days of the week can be amended in the menu manager

I have items that are available all day, do I need to add them to specific menus?

Items that need to be available all day will need to be added to categories that are included across all/any schedules covering a full day.

What happens if a customer places their order right as a scheduled menu is ending?

The order will go through as normal and will be received by you. You decide your schedule and can choose an earlier end time if this helps your operations (for example, between breakfast to lunch orders).

What will happen for the hours/days I don’t have a scheduled menu scheduled?

If you don’t have a scheduled menu for certain times or days, your default menu will be active.

What is a ‘default’ menu? Can I change the name of this?

You can’t change the name of your ‘default’ menu. If you don’t have a scheduled menu, your ‘default’ menu will be available for customers.

Please make sure that any items on the ‘default’ menu are available if there’s no scheduled menu active.

Do I need to update my existing menu if I don't intend to use the scheduled menu feature?

No, you don’t need to make any changes to your menu.

Your current menu in Menu Manager will continue to show as the default menu. Scheduled menus can be set up in Menu Manager whenever you want to add them.

How can I edit item details & categories?

You can add or edit item details and categories under the ‘Categories’ section in the Menu Manager. You’ll need to save any changes and re-publish the menu.

How do I change my category position?
To change category position, click on your schedule under ‘Menu’ (if you don't have a scheduled menu, select ‘default menu’) where your category position needs to be updated.

After you've done this, you can select ‘Edit Categories’ to change the category position whenever you need to.

I don’t have any ‘time-specific’ items on my menu. Can I opt out of scheduled menus?

If your items are available all day, you don’t need to opt-out or make any changes as your current menu will show as your ‘default’ menu.

I want to have a customised Hero image for different schedules, is this possible?

Currently, we only support one Hero image for a menu, this means you aren't able to change the Hero image for different schedules.

The menu changes when I select a scheduled order. Why is this?

When a customer selects a time slot for a scheduled order (instead of an 'ASAP' order), the menu shown will be the menu scheduled to be active for that time slot.

If a customer selects a scheduled order time slot for when a different menu is scheduled to become active, the menu visible to customers will change to that menu.

Why are certain menu items missing on my scheduled menu?

Double-check the contents of your scheduled menu - make sure to add item categories to the schedule for items to be visible to customers.

The categories which aren’t selected as part of any schedule won't be visible to customers, neither will any out of stock items.

Also, make sure to save the changes and re-publish the menu for changes to go live.

Do my opening or closing hours impact my scheduled menu?

Opening hours are separate from menu schedules. Opening hours simply set when your site will be open or closed for customers' orders.

Menu schedules set which menu is shown to customers, whether the site is open or closed.

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