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How to use Live Orders in Partner Hub
How to use Live Orders in Partner Hub

Receive and manage Deliveroo orders on your own device

Written by Ash H
Updated over a week ago

We recommend using a dedicated tablet or laptop to manage your orders.

Although it's possible to use a mobile phone for Live Orders, we don't recommend this as you're likely to miss orders.

How to find Live Orders

  • Log in to Partner Hub

  • Select the Live Orders tab from the main menu

  • If you have multiple sites, select a restaurant from the drop-down menu

  • When you restaurant is open, you'll see any orders in the Live section

Never miss an order

  • Remember to set your restaurant to Open Now on the Live Orders tab so customers can find you

  • Keep the Live Orders tab open on your device to see incoming and active orders. Disable any 'sleep' settings so you screen doesn't switch off.

  • Set the volume of your device to at least 50% so you can hear order notifications

Opening and closing your restaurant

To receive new orders, you’ll need to open your restaurant every day.

To open your restaurant:

  • Go to the Live Orders tab

  • If you have multiple sites, select the right restaurant

  • Select 'Open now'

To close you restaurant:

  • Go to the Live Orders tab

  • Now choose Settings at the top

  • If you have multiple sites, select the right restaurant

  • Select 'Close now'

Enabling browser notifications

To receive notifications for your new orders, make sure your internet browser is set up to receive browser notifications. 

In the Live Orders tab you’ll see a banner which says 'Get alerts for new orders'

  1. Select ‘Allow notifications’

  2. This will open a popup window on your internet browser (we recommend using Google Chrome

  3. Then select ‘Allow’ 

Using your own riders?

To set your restaurant delivery times:

  • Go to the Live Orders tab

  • Select Settings at the top

  • Set how long you need to prepare and deliver an order during your normal and busier times

  • Edit these timings while open or closed by selecting Change

5 things to know about Live Orders

1. Logging in to Partner Hub

You can only access Live Orders in Partner Hub. New partners will receive an email invite to create an account on Partner Hub.

You can log in to Partner Hub on any device - we recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience and bookmarking this in your browser.

2. Accepting orders

When you receive an order, you will have the option to accept or reject it. 

Orders are automatically rejected after 10 minutes if you do not accept or reject.

Top partners reject less than 1% of their orders.

3. Printing orders 

Printing your Deliveroo orders helps your kitchen keep track of incoming orders and makes sure the right food goes to the right rider.

Orders are not automatically printed, click the Print icon in the order details.

4. Managing your stock

To manage menu item availability, go to the Live Orders tab and select Stock levels. You can mark items as in stock, ‘sold out for today’ or off the menu.  

5. Rejecting orders

If you need to reject an order, you’ll be asked to select a reason why so we can inform the customer. 

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