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How to accept orders automatically
How to accept orders automatically

Increase your sales by automatically accepting orders on the Deliveroo tablet

Written by Ash H
Updated over a week ago

Increase your sales by automatically accepting orders on the Deliveroo tablet

As a restaurant, you have the option to automatically accept all new orders on your Deliveroo tablet with our new "auto-accept" feature.

Auto-accept is great for your customers 

Auto-accept gives your customers better service. They will receive immediate feedback in-app that you’re preparing their order. Magic! 

Auto-accept is great for your restaurant team

Auto-accept allows your restaurant team to focus on preparing and packing delivery orders and serving customers in store, instead of accepting every order on the delivery tablet.

If your restaurant is POS integrated, you should use Auto-accept every day to free up staff from managing the tablet and give your customers the best delivery experience. 

If you're not integrated, you should use this feature on busy days, when you want to speed up order processing and have enough stock to fulfil all orders.  

Note: Auto-accept doesn’t apply to scheduled orders and you can turn it on or off at any time in the tablet’s settings.

Restaurant partners that use auto-accept have seen a 11% drop in rejections and an increase in delivered orders.


How do I turn on auto-accept? 

Every day when you open your restaurant, you will be asked if they want to turn on auto-accept for the day. If you don’t choose to turn it on at the beginning of the day, you can always turn it on from Settings.

If you don't want to use auto-accept just choose to “accept manually”.

Can I turn off auto-accept if I need more control over orders during a busy service? 

Yes, auto-accept can be easily turned off from the Settings panel in the tablet. 

When should I use auto-accept? 

If your restaurant is POS integrated, you should use Auto-accept every day to free up staff from managing the tablet and give their customers the best experience. 

If you're not integrated, you should use this feature on busy days, when you want to speed up order processing and have enough stock to fulfil all orders.  

How do I know when I have a new order? 

The tablet will make the “new order” noise for two seconds and then the new auto-accepted order will appear at the top of your order list.

How will scheduled orders work? 

Scheduled orders will not be auto-accepted or auto-confirmed. Restaurants still need to accept scheduled orders when auto-accept is turned on and you shouldn’t change your current process for scheduled orders.

Will large orders be auto-accepted? 

Yes, orders of any value, including large orders will be auto-accepted if the feature is turned on and the orders are ASAP. If they are large scheduled orders, they will not be auto-accepted.

What happens if my tablet breaks while I have auto-accept on?

The tablet has to be turned on for the feature to work, so orders will not be auto-accepted.

What should I do if I can’t fulfil an order that’s been auto-accepted? 

Cancel the order by calling Live Orders support. They will cancel the order on your behalf and the customer will be notified.

What will customers see when an order is auto-accepted?  

Auto-accept means that a customer sees their delivery as ACCEPTED in their app immediately - entirely skipping the ‘Confirming your order with {restaurant}’, improving the speed of your service.


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