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How to view and use Reports in Hub (excluding Signature partners)
How to view and use Reports in Hub (excluding Signature partners)

Learn more about your business’ performance with Deliveroo Reports in Hub.

Written by Ash H
Updated over a week ago

The ‘Reports’ section in Hub provides you with key data to help you understand what you’re doing well and where you can improve to help grow your business:

  • Performance: Get a snapshot of sales, orders and ratings across your sites

  • Availability: Track your opening hours and rejected order rates

  • Customer: Understand your customer base as well as how your promotions are performing

  • Speed: Know how fast your team prepare and hand over orders

  • Orders: Export order data on the quantity and value of orders across sites

  • Items Sold: Access itemised sales data on your menu items

To access Reports, simply go to the ‘Reports’ section in Hub and click create a new report:

  • Set your date range: Select the start and end date for your report (up to 90 days within the last year)

  • Filter by location: Filter by location or have all your sites combined together

  • Download your report: The CSV report will be available for download in the Reports table

What metrics will I see?

For each of your Reports, we have different metrics to help you see how you can improve.

The list below gives you a quick explanation on what each of them mean:


Gross Sales: How much money you made from orders alone (No charges or promo offers included)

Number of orders delivered: How many deliveries you made in a specific time period

Average order value: How much your average order is

Average customer rating: Scored out of 5, this is your rating over a set time period


Open rate: A percentage of your actual opening hours compared to the expected open hours.

Rejected orders

This is a summary of a few things:

  • Number of rejected orders

  • The % of orders that were rejected

  • How much your rejected orders were worth in total

Rejected orders by reason: Here, we group all your rejected orders by reason.


Menu conversion (customers completing an order/menu views):

How many times a customer viewed your menu before placing an order

Orders from new customers: How many orders were made by new customers

Orders from repeat customers: How many orders were made by customers making their 2nd - 4th order

Orders from frequent customers: How many orders were made by customers making their 5th+ order

Orders with Marketer offers: How many orders were made through a Marketer Offer promotion

Orders with Rewards: How many orders were made from customers using some of their £8 loyalty reward


Auto-accept usage: Percentage of time you were in Auto-Accept mode during Deliveroo open hours

Prep time (mins): The average time it took to prepare an order and rider collecting it

Average rider wait time past target (mins): The average time in minutes that riders wait at your sites past the target departure time

% Rider wait time past target > 5 mins: The percentage of orders where rider wait time was longer than 5 minutes after target departure time

Busy mode usage: The percentage of time you were in Busy mode during Deliveroo open hours

Total order duration (mins): Average delivery time between the order being placed and arriving at the customer. (ASAP orders only)


Order number: The Deliveroo order number

Order status: Whether the order was completed, rejected or cancelled

Date submitted / Time submitted: When a customer placed the order

Date delivered / Time delivered: When the order was marked as delivered

Subtotal: The total value of the order placed by a customer

Deliveroo commission: Deliveroo commission on the order, in local currency

VAT on Deliveroo commission: Total VAT on the order commission, in local currency

Items Sold

Category: The item category in your menu

Item Name: The item name as it appears in the menu

Quantity: Total number of items sold over the selected timeframe

Price: Total price of the item, not including any discounts

Subtotal: The total value of items sold


Can Reports be generated for a specific time period?

Yes, Reports can only be generated for any time period by selecting the start date and the end date but are limited to the last 90 days within the last 180 days.

I’m unable to find the past downloaded Reports.

Reports are only available for download for 90 days, after which point they are automatically deleted. You can always re-create the report to download it again.

I have not received a notification that my report is ready for download.

You won’t receive any notification that your report is available for download. You will need to check the Reports section.

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